AI MedConsult

The leading Artificial Intelligence driven patient engagement solution.


An AI-powered cosmetic procedure assistant - custom trained to represent your unique business.

Engage multiple patients simultaneously, navigating them through the initial consultation while capturing valuable patient data and guiding them to schedule their procedure.

How does it work?

Step 1 - Implement our AI MedConsult Solution

Our team of AI engineers will configure the solution specifically for your practice. Guided by our unique co-creative AI tailoring process, we’ll capture key information that help refine the solution to represent your unique business. Our implementation team then integrates the solution into your existing website. Most clients are ready to launch within 7 days!

Step 2 — Convert Interested Clients in Real-Time

Patients visiting your website will be offered an option to start their “FREE CONSULTATION” in real-time. This action kicks off the consult within your existing UI - converting site visitors into leads 24/7.

Step 3 — Procedures & Interests Capture

The consultation starts by presenting the patient a visual guide to help select which parts of the body they have an interest in. From here, the AI MedConsult assistant offers a list of relevant procedures, with brief descriptions and options on each.

Step 4 — Initial Consult & Options Discussion

Your AI Cosmetic Consult assistant kicks off the conversation by acknowledging the patient’s interests and initiating a Q&A dialogue about the relevant procedures and options available to them. Before and after pictures can be shown to enrich the conversation and help the patient better understand their options. Your AI MedConsult assistant is prepared to discuss all relevant topics, including price ranges, recovery times, average pain levels, post-op expectations, scarring, and much more.

Step 5 — Patient Information Collection

All throughout this dialogue, your AI MedConsult assistant is collecting essential data from the patient. The solution collects name, phone number, email address, procedure and options interests, client photos, and more. All information is secured in HIPAA compliant and hardened data environments and is made available for your clinicians to review in preparation for their final consultation with the patient. If the patient does not schedule an appointment, our AI BackOffice solution will automatically generate a bespoke follow-up email campaign to re-engage the patient until they schedule their visit or choose to unsubscribe.

Step 6 — Final Appointment Scheduling

Your AI MedConsult assistant will thank the patient for their time and guide them into a familiar calendar scheduling interface to select a final consult appointment option with your team. In the background, the AI MedConsult assistant seamlessly initiates a data handoff to our AI BackOffice solution suite that will check your team’s availability and present the patient with only these options. The patient will receive a confirmation message once your staff confirms the appointment. Patient data handoff will complete by kicking off your AI BackOffice solution workflows.

The Future of Patient Engagement

Increase Throughput. Reduce Overhead.

Start your free trial today!