AI BackOffice

The Future of Patient Engagement

AI BackOffice Solution Suite

  • New Patient Engagement & Onboarding

    Streamline the process of capturing initial consultation data and fielding Q&A sessions with potential patients. AI Consult and AI BackOffice work in concert to advance patients directly to scheduling their final consult appointment - without you and your staff ever lifting a finger.

  • Automated Lead Follow Up

    Tap into the power of AI automations to convert more leads into paying customers. Establish sales & marketing best-practices by engaging interested prospects via bespoke outreach campaigns - all without adding operational overhead.

  • Patient Engagement Analytics

    Empower your business with customer engagement insights, enriched by AI-powered data capture. Your AI BackOffice solution provides visibility into real-time analytics on site visits, conversion rates, customer’s interests and more.

  • Automated Post-Op Follow Up

    Drive higher patient satisfaction and post-op outcomes using the power of AI Post-Op Nurse. Free up your valuable office staff from doing the tedious, but necessary post-op communications with patients about expectations and post-op procedures.

New Patient Engagement & Onboarding

Our AI BackOffice solution automatically schedules a final consultation for patients with the surgeon or cosmetic technician. The solution validates availability based on your office schedule, collects patients contact information, pictures, procedures requested, and their conversation transcript with your AI Consult assistant. Say goodbye to time-consuming first consultations. By the time a new patient walks in, your team has everything they need to move forward.

All information is secured in HIPAA compliant and hardened data environments to ensure privacy, data integrity, and peace-of-mind for you and your patients.

AI Prospector

Automated Lead Follow Up Module

AI Prospector is an add-on module into AI BackOffice for site visitors that initiate a chat but don’t complete the process by scheduling an appointment, AI Prospector will use information captured from the client by the AI Consult assistant or AI MedChat to automatically generate an email outreach campaign for them. The solution manages a bespoke communications “drip” campaign based on the client’s requested procedures. These automated outreach emails are designed to reengage with the client until they either schedule an appointment, or ask to be unsubscribed.

Patient Engagement Analytics

AI BackOffice provides real-time analytics showing how many clients accessed your AI Consult assistant and AI MedChat, how far along the conversation got, a transcript of the conversation, conversion rates, and more. Access analytics on engagement performance to capture key insights on customer interests to help optimize your sales & marketing efforts.

AI Post-Op Nurse

Automated Post-Op Follow Up

AI Post-Op Nurse is an add-on module to AI BackOffice to drive higher patient satisfaction and improved outcomes via post-op instructions outreach campaigns - with reminders on recovery best-practices and post-op appointment scheduling.

The Future of Patient Engagement